The formation of the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center (CSC) was begun on the strength of a number of resolutions by the administrative organs of Chelyabinsk oblast, the Executive Board of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (UB RAS), and the State Committee of Higher Education of the RF from 1991-1993.

In 1995, the Executive Board of the UB RAS formed and ratified the General Assembly of the CSC UB RAS The General Assembly is the Center's highest managing body. In the same year, the General Assembly, in accordance with its charter, elected the Executive Board of the Center to manage the everyday work. In 1996, the Scientific Councils were organized under the direction of the Executive Board. The members which compose the Scientific Council are leading scientists in their fields from Chelyabinsk oblast.
The Center was established for the purposes of developing fundamental research and solving scientific and technical problems to further the socio-economic development of Chelyabinsk oblast and the national economy.
In order to achieve these goals, the Scientific Center is, in accordance with its charter, implementing the following activities:

  • assisting in carrying out fundamental research and the preparing a highly-qualified scientific cadre;
  • coordinating the research of regional programs and those scientific projects which are geared toward socio-economic regional and national development;
  • the coordination of research and cooperation between member scientific institutions and between member and branch scientific-research institutions involved in solving fundamental and applied problems;
  • integrating science, education, and industry;
    drawing up a strategy for scientific-technical progress;
    organizing scientific and scientific-technical councils, commissions, structural groups to cope with composite, regional, interuniversity, and intergovernmental problems, and, if necessary, establishing temporary scientific collectives to solve problems which may arise;
  • the organization and conducting of expertise and consultation in the spheres of conservation, the regional use of natural resources, and the development of industrial strength in the region;
  • providing information support to the organizations of the Scientific Center.